10 Remakes We Will Inevitably See In The Next 20 Years

1. Blade Runner

Blade-Runner Blade Runner is yet another sci-fi classic that will almost inevitably get a remake sometime in the future. There has been talk of a sequel being in the works, but it's unlikely that that movie will change much. Unless the sequel is really top-notch, it may already be too late for Ridley Scott to recapture the feeling of the original, not to mention how that went down last time he tried to revisit one of his classics with Prometheus. Blade Runner, more than any other movie on this list, almost has the potential to benefit from a remake. While it is an inarguable classic, all of the different cuts of the Ridley Scott version can make the history of the whole thing a little bit muddy. As long as a new take on the Philip K. Dick story can remain true to the spirit and tone (and the whole affair doesn't turn into a Total Recall-esque mess that completely ignores the cerebral elements of the original) then there isn't any reason why someone can't make a more definitive adaptation that can stand beside the classic, if somewhat flawed, original. Of course, the odds of that happening are probably pretty slim. Maybe we should just stick to the director's cut. Head on over to the next page for the wrap-up!
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Jordan Schaeffer has many pan-nerdly interests. Said interests include but are not limited to: Comics, old horror movies, comics, video games, TV shows of a certain caliber, and comics. Ask him anything about The Venture Brothers. He is American, but is starting to get a sneaking suspicion that everyone else on WhatCulture! is British.