10 Remakes We Will Inevitably See In The Next 20 Years

Maltese Falcon The End Hollywood has been churning out plenty of (too many) remakes over the last decade, and it seems highly unlikely that they will stop any time soon. Remakes provide a relatively easy way for a studio to cash in on the nostalgia (and outrage) of it's audiences to fuel profits and word-of-mouth, theoretically leading to a quick buck. It doesn't always turn out this way, of course, and a lot of these remakes are rushed out rather carelessly and make dismal returns. Regardless, the rewards appear to outweigh the risks and there will never be a lack of filmmakers looking to make their own version of classic stories, no matter what their reasons may be. Sometimes a remake can turn out okay, but there have been an abysmal few that have ever come close to outshining their inspirations. We can't write them off completely, however. Sometimes a remake is produced to better serve the director's true vision, like Michael Haneke's Funny Games. Sometimes a bigger budget can imbue on a remake a slicker production that benefits the entire experience, as with Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Sometimes the story needs to be revisited with a more faithful take on the source material, like Dredd. No matter what circumstances may lead to it, every once in a while a remake can actually do some good for a story, and it may be worth the studios wasting their time on all the crap ones just to get a few gems. Did you know that The Maltese Falcon was the third of its kind? Anyway, what do you think? Should all of the movies listed be left untouched forever? Are there any of them you would actually like to see remakes of? What other movies could stand to be revisited in the future? Let us know in the comments section. I'm sure it will be an incredibly civil discussion.
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Jordan Schaeffer has many pan-nerdly interests. Said interests include but are not limited to: Comics, old horror movies, comics, video games, TV shows of a certain caliber, and comics. Ask him anything about The Venture Brothers. He is American, but is starting to get a sneaking suspicion that everyone else on WhatCulture! is British.