10 Remakes We Will Inevitably See In The Next 20 Years

6. Batman

Batman-Logo Unless the whole superhero thing implodes in on itself in the next few years, we can expect to see at least a handful of major releases based on comic books each year for the foreseeable future. With the incredible success of the recently concluded Christopher Nolan trilogy of Batman films, it's a no-brainer to expect Warner Brothers to revisit this character and his world, and probably sooner rather than later. The studio will probably give a few years for the Nolan movies to age a bit, and give their other superhero franchises like Superman and Justice League a little room to breathe, but once all of that starts to wind down you can be sure that the Dark Knight will be placed front and center of their production schedule again to usher in a new wave of millions (or billions. Trillions?) for Warner Brothers. Hugely iconic and historically successful franchises such as this don't get left alone for long, and with such a huge legacy behind the character there are always untold legions of writers and directors that would love to put their own personal spin on the story.
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Jordan Schaeffer has many pan-nerdly interests. Said interests include but are not limited to: Comics, old horror movies, comics, video games, TV shows of a certain caliber, and comics. Ask him anything about The Venture Brothers. He is American, but is starting to get a sneaking suspicion that everyone else on WhatCulture! is British.