10 Remakes We Will Inevitably See In The Next 20 Years

3. Back To The Future

Back to the Future

Remaking 80's movies updated to a contemporary setting is not at all a new idea. Just this past year we saw Red Dawn take that exact approach in what has to be one of the most misguided attempts at revitalizing a franchise ever attemtped by a major studio. The only interesting bit that would be involved with a Back to the Future remake would be the nature of the movie having two timelines to move forward. A remake of Back to the Future which updated the timeline, sending Marty back to the 1980's or 2000's instead of the 1950's could be... well, it would actually be pretty lame. But there is a good chance something along those lines will happen someday.
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Jordan Schaeffer has many pan-nerdly interests. Said interests include but are not limited to: Comics, old horror movies, comics, video games, TV shows of a certain caliber, and comics. Ask him anything about The Venture Brothers. He is American, but is starting to get a sneaking suspicion that everyone else on WhatCulture! is British.