10 Remarkable Facts About 2015's Biggest Movies

3. One Scene Took 360 Days To Animate & Was Completed By Just One Person - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

When you see a huge, explosive CGI-addled scene in the latest blockbuster flick, you also think about the time and energy it took for the team of hundreds of animators to render such a thing - tons of people working together for months and months just to bring a few minutes of the film to life. Right? Well, that's how it usually goes down. Usually. In the case of Avengers: Age of Ultron, though, a single animator was left alone to complete a CGI sequence all by himself - and it took the guy 360 days. Why, you're asking? Who knows? Was it cheaper to do it as such? Did they just, like, forget about him? The scene in question saw bad guy Ultron commanding his drones to fly down and take a truck during a sequence set in Seoul. Thankfully, once the animator had finished his duty after almost a year of painstaking work, he was treated to his very own party and a bottle of champagne. At least his efforts were appreciated, then. It was, uh... almost worth it?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.