10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

3. They Showed Too Many Dinosaurs In The Trailer - Jurassic World

The Jurassic World trailer was not as great as it could have been: it was sloppily edited, lacked punch and seemed too invested in unearned ceremony, as well as somewhat fatally inspiring comparisons with the third Jurassic Park movie in its presentation of tamed Raptors. But it wasn't as much of a problem as some of the ridiculous responses to it might suggest - especially when a frankly odd amount of criticism seems to be levelled at the fact that there were dinosaurs in the trailer. Clearly wanting to be teased rather than so overtly tickled, some fans took to the net to decree the amount of dino screen time, suggesting that it was too much of a show and had ruined the impact. But aren't we already at the stage where the dinosaurs are familiar? Is building suspense to reveal something that's already been revealed not a bit redundant? The real problem with Jurassic World is that the plot seems to be a wilful attempt to reimagine two of the most spectacular story failings in the franchise (the genetic hybrid dinosaurs of the abandoned sequel concept and the idea of Raptors and humans communicating and living in peace) and make them work despite the hilariously uninspiring reaction to both of them in the first place. Complaining about seeing too many dinosaurs in the trailer is little more than a distraction from the real concerns everyone should have.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.