10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

4. The Comic Book "Sucked" - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Despite the enduring success of even the most surprising of MCU properties, the ingenious decision to cast James Spader as the villain, and then an immediately iconic trailer, there are still some who aren't all that convinced about Age Of Ultron. For them, it's all in the name of the sequel. Age Of Ultron was of course a comic run presided over by the brilliant Brian Michael Bendis who had single-handedly torn down all that was rotten with the characters and rebuilt from the ground up with an edgier, more irresistible team. The problem however was that Age Of Ultron wasn't all that well-received: it was too nostalgic by half, and that was never Bendis' strength, and it seemed to ignore some of the best things he'd done like relegating Hawkeye to the lesser role he deserved. Even more fatally, it also mishandled Ultron, turning him from enduring, iconic villain into a generic foe who could have been replaced by any of the bigger players. Despite the title, it wasn't definitively his story: and inevitably fans who were disappointed by the portrayal in the comics have voiced concerns that this will happen again in the films. That of course ignores the fact that Joss Whedon has flat out dispelled rumours that the film will be an adaptation of the 2013 event, which doesn't seem to matter to those who are decrying the comparatively low quality of the comic run. The MCU only takes elements of the comics as a framework, and the trailer has already played up Ultron's power, so the suggestion that it will be too invested in the course is misplaced at best.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.