10 Ridiculous Movie Moments That Have Shocked Us In 2013 So Far

5. Rosario Dawson's Full-Frontal Nudity - Trance

Trance Rosario Dawson We always know we're going to get something a little different and out there from Danny Boyle, though I still didn't expect the film to be this graphic as far as its sexual content goes. Though the narrative was trying too hard to be the next Inception, it at least delivered some basic aesthetic pleasures both with its visuals and with some steamy full-frontal nudity from Rosario Dawson, who embarked on a relationship with Boyle last year after the film wrapped. The scene in question takes place as Rosario's character is about to have sex with James McAvoy's, and walks out into the hallway completely naked, giving us a rather unexpected view of...well, pretty much everything, with very little obscured at all...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.