10 Most Ridiculous Plot Holes In 2013 Movies

8. Tony Forgets He Has A Sh*t Load Of Iron Man Suits In His Basement - Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3The Movie: This rollocking buddy comedy sees comedy duo Riggs and Murtau-... uh, Tony Stark and James Rhodes (better know as Iron Man and War Machine) taking on the dangerous Mandarin, an international terrorist who likes blowing stuff up and hijacking Air Force One. You know: usual villain stuff. The Plot Hole: Look, I like a deus ex machina as much as the next guy, but there's something horribly irritating about the way in which writers Shane Black and Drew Pearce unleash their climax. That's to say, Tony Stark spends much of Iron Man 3 running about, using his brains and intellect instead of relying on the power of the Iron Man suit. There's also the fact that we're continually hammered home a plot point about the fact that Tony's classic suit is on its way out. Well, for some reason there are dozens and dozens of other Iron Man suits hidden beneath Tony's Malibu mansion, which he conveniently brings out at the end when he suddenly remembers them (and don't give me "he was waiting for the rubble to clear"). This reeks, of course, of a last minute grab for an explosive climax, and it might well have been excused with a dimmer character. But Tony Stark...the genius? Would he really forget he had a sh*t load of Iron Man suits at his house? It just doesn't ring true, especially since the demise of his Mark 42 is made into such a big deal. Dude, you have tons of suits!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.