10 Most Ridiculous Ways Movie Characters Cheated Death

3. James T. Kirk's Magical Blood Infusion - Star Trek Into Darkness

Ch10 James T. Kirk is the hard-drinking, womanising captain of the USS Enterprise. He fearlessly leads his team into a variety of situations most wouldn't return from, but they are the best of the best and we believe in their abilities. It is very much like him then to sacrifice his own life for his crew by entering an area with dangerous levels of radiation to realign the warp core saving them all. This is the situation we find ourselves in near the end of Star Trek Into Darkness. Things certainly aren't going well and Spock (Zachary Quinto) is reduced to performing his William Shatner impression to raise fanboy morale. But not all is lost! Bones discovers that the blood running through Benedict Cumber-Khan's veins has magical restorative properties that can somehow bring people back to life. Let's not ask too many questions here, like why they didn't get the blood from any of the other super soldiers already on board instead of chasing Khan or the ethics of medical testing on Tribbles? The main thing to take away from this is... when you're at a loss with your narrative, resort to a contrived deus ex machina at the last minute and all is well.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson