10 Most Ridiculous Ways Movie Characters Cheated Death

2. Holy Teleportation Batman! - The Dark Knight Rises

Ch9 This has been discussed to death, but there is no way it can't be on the list" The Dark Knight Rises' magical bat-escape. What seems to be a selfless act of sacrifice on the part of Batman is actually a ploy so that he can take an early retirement and bang Anne Hathaway. Not that I wouldn't do exactly the same thing in his position, but I'll put morals aside now and discuss the logistics. There was absolutely no way that Batman could have escaped in time not to have been vaporised. His valiant attempts to irradiate the sea would have ended his life, no question about it. If he had to bail out into the Gotham harbour, I hope he had his Bat Nuke Repellent Spray on hand (always good to be prepared). Add this on to his supernatural ability to travel undisguised yet undetected as recently deceased billionaire Bruce Wayne, and we're just trying really hard for a happy ending.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson