10 Ridiculously AWKWARD Moments You Won't Believe Happened On Movie Sets

Michael B. Jordan got knocked out for real on the set of Creed.

Creed Conlan knocks out Adonis
Warner Bros.

It can be quite difficult to comprehend just how much work goes into producing a movie. There is a reason why the end credits roll on for as long as they do, because there truly are countless people coming together to contribute, often for years at a time, towards ultimately just two to three hours of film.

Naturally, a quite ridiculously high level of coordination and teamwork from everyone involved is required to pull off such a job. However, things don't always go the way they are planned; particularly on set, there are plenty of things that can go wrong, leading to the most weird situations.

This could come in any number of forms, from actors clashing either with other actors or members of the crew, to big ideas gone wrong, cases of mistaken identity, and yes, even a badly timed fart. All of these to name just a few, have made movie sets awkward places to be.

Some of these passed in moments, while others are still talked about today, starting with one such moment that is arguably the most memorable thing to come out of the entire picture...

10. Christian Bale's Rant - Terminator Salvation

Creed Conlan knocks out Adonis
Warner Bros.

Christian Bale is widely known as an actor who throws absolutely everything he has into whatever role he takes, including, but certainly not limited, to drastically and sometimes dangerously altering his body. The point is, the man clearly takes what he does very, very seriously.

There is no greater example of this, and the passion that he has for putting in the best possible performance, as when cinematographer Shane Hurlbut walked onto the Terminator Salvation set to check a light while Bale was filming a scene. To say the John Connor actor exploded would be an understatement.

Bale berated Hurlbut for distracting him and taking him out of the scene with a ludicrous total of 39 f-bombs, called him an amateur, said that they were done professionally, and what was possibly the worst of the near four-minute rant was that he threatened to kick his ass and to trash his lights. 

The actor would ultimately apologise for the rant, admitting that he was way out of line, and received the support of his fellow cast-mates. Everyone does things that they regret, and it seems that this was ultimately passion simply channeled in the wrong manner, but what a horrible day this would have been for anyone in the vicinity.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.