10 Ridiculously Good Decisions Which Saved Your Favourite Movies

8. Back To The Future - Recasting Marty

Robert Downey Jr Iron Man
20th Century Fox

Back To The Future was very nearly a different film altogether, one that arguably wouldn't have had the same cultural impact. Michael J Fox was always number one choice for Marty, but was unable to commit due to a scheduling conflict, leading to the casting of Eric Stoltz instead.

Production began with Stoltz and several key scenes were actually completed before the Robert Zemeckis was forced to accept Stoltz just didn't have the comedic chemistry with his costars that was needed. Biff actor Thomas Wilson said he nearly came to blows with Stoltz over his repeated over enthusiasm during a fight scene leaving him bruised. On top of this, unluckily for Stoltz, Fox was now available.

Robert Zemeckis made the extremely brave (and costly) decision to replace Stoltz midway and painfully re-shoot much of the movie to include Fox. A lot of work, but given how important to the film Marty's relationship with his costars is, a necessary one. This decision undoubtedly played a key role in the smash hit spawning successful back to back sequels and finding a place in our collective hearts.

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Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....