10 Ridiculously Good Decisions Which Saved Your Favourite Movies

4. Blade Runner - Pushing For Different Cuts

Robert Downey Jr Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Widely revered as the greatest sci-fi and cyberpunk film of all time, Blade Runner was actually critically panned at the time of its release. Obviously this must be a simple case of the critics being backward and not appreciating something ahead of it's time right?

Well actually no, they were right.

The studio fought Ridley Scott from day one about what they wanted the film to be, clearer and with a greater focus on action. Scott resisted them until the end and the result was a confused mess drawn between two opposing visions. It has even been long rumoured (although never proven) that Harrison Ford sabotaged the voice overs the studio insisted on to clarify the movies plot, as he preferred Scott's vision. If you ever wondered why they sound so disinterested and terrible, this seems the likely explanation.

Eventually after years of low sales and bad reception the studios allowed Scott to supervise a directors cut, but he still wasn't given final say. After decades of perseverance Scott was allowed to release the film as he had always intended it in 2007, thus the final cut was born. From the ashes of jumbled mediocrity rose one of the most influential films of all time, all because Scott refused to back down.

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Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....