10 Ridiculously Good Decisions Which Saved Your Favourite Movies

3. Good Will Hunting - Laying A Trap To Find The Right Producers

Robert Downey Jr Iron Man

Good Will Hunting began life as a thriller about a man with an incredible mind, until it was suggested to Matt Damon that the focus of the film actually be on the relationship between Will and the psychiatrist. With this new script in mind writers Damon & Affleck found it difficult to find backers that truly understood the project.

They received a call one day from none other than Harvey Weinstein, who told them he loved the script and wanted to produce it, although was rather confused about the seemingly inexplicable sex scene between Robin William's and Stellan Skarsgard's character, which had no build-up or purpose in the story.

It was at this point Damon told him that was included intentionally to test whether studio executives were actually reading the script, and Weinstein was the only one who caught it. Confident they had a backer who was in love with the material they created a truly sublime film that is still nearly perfect decades later.

Ironic too that a beautifully constructed tale of a survivor of abuse was saved and created by Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood is truly a bizarre world at times.

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Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....