10 Ridiculously Overhated Recent Movies

6. The King's Man

Old Chrystal
20th Century Studios

The King's Man is a success borne from a failure, but you wouldn't know that from the middling reviews that the film got.

After the bitterly disappointing Kingsman: The Golden Circle, The King's Man was honestly a return-to-form for the series. It's another stylish, gleeful and gloriously badass action flick that's filled with wonderful visuals and delightful fight scenes, and Ralph Fiennes is absolutely terrific in the lead role.

All that being said, what's even more admirable about The King's Man is how downright audacious it is. It's full of unexpected twists and goes into surprisingly dark territory multiple times. This is a refreshingly brave sequel and it feels like The King's Man didn't get enough credit for this.

Some reviews criticised the film for its inconsistent tone, and there is validity in that argument, but at the same time, the picture does hit more often than it misses, and the darker vibes add a lot to the overall package. It even gets quite affecting at times.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.