10 Ridiculously Overhated Recent Movies

5. The Forever Purge

Old Chrystal

It was hard to feel all that much excitement towards the fifth Purge film before its release, given that we'd had four of these movies by that point and The Purge: Election Year would've been a good ending to the story. It was hard to see this as anything more than an unnecessary continuation. Until it actually arrived, that is.

The Forever Purge is arguably the best film in the series. The movie has the great premise of a continuous, nation-wide Purge that spreads all across the United States and sends the country into anarchy; this was exactly the right way for the franchise's core narrative to evolve, and as such, this sequel does actually manage to justify its own existence.

In general though, this is an enormously entertaining fire-cracker of an action-horror film that delivers one steely, brutally intense set-piece after another all the way through. The stakes never stop rising, the pace never lets up, and it also has a cast of characters who are easy to root for, which is always important.

Much like the other Purge films, it definitely shouldn't be mistaken for a smart movie as the social commentary is very adolescent and on-the-nose, but as a piece of entertainment it passes with flying colours.

And... it got pretty middling critical scores and plenty who saw it were very dismissive of it. Not fair, not fair at all.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.