10 Ridiculously Overhated Recent Movies

4. Halloween Kills And Halloween Ends

Old Chrystal
Universal Pictures

Were the second and third instalments of David Gordon Green's Halloween trilogy really that bad? Your writer isn't convinced.

Firstly, on an artistic level these movies get a hell of a lot right. David Gordon Green does an extremely solid job as director, the cast consistently deliver compelling, committed performances, and John Carpenter's musical score is to die for.

Regarding them individually, Halloween Kills was criticized for just being a thinly-plotted feature-length chase, scene and Halloween Ends got a ton of flak for its experimental approach that focused on a new killer.

It seems like Kills was designed to be a throwback to the slasher films of yesteryear, and given that both the first and third legs of this trilogy were slower and more character-focused, having a more visceral middle chapter was hardly a bad idea. If you look at Kills as a bare-bones slasher-thriller then it's honestly a thoroughly entertaining horror flick filled with ferociously intense set-pieces - even if the whole "Evil Dies Tonight" thing was pretty ill-judged.

As for Ends, that movie actually had some really interesting ideas. The execution was hit-or-miss, but some of the material landed, and if nothing else, at least the film finally provided a definitive ending to the story of Michael Myers.

All in all, compared to many horror sequels and compared to most slasher films released during the subgenre's heyday - this was not a subgenre that produced many great films, nostalgia be damned - these movies really are perfectly decent.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.