10 Ridiculously Overhated Recent Movies

2. Bullet Train

Old Chrystal
Sony Pictures

This one was particularly frustrating. Despite being one of the most inventive, dynamic and idiosyncratic Hollywood action films in recent memory, this somehow only earned mixed reviews from critics. That simply didn't do it justice for, while Bullet Train can be messy and is far from perfect, it is a very impressive and infectiously fun movie on the whole.

As an action comedy, Bullet Train absolutely works. Stylishly directed by action maestro David Leitch and beautifully performed by a killer cast, Bullet Train delivers big laughs and deliriously entertaining fight scenes all the way through, but what makes this movie really stand out is how bold it is.

It's R-rated, it has a complicated non-linear story, and it's constantly going off in unexpected directions. It's a gloriously insane swing for the fences, and while not all of it works, plenty of it does and it was so, so refreshing to see a Hollywood blockbuster that took so many risks and had so much personality. Make no mistake: Rotten Tomatoes scores are usually reasonably fair, but in this case the score of 54% was completely unjustified.

If nothing else, we can all agree that Bryan Tyree Henry's Thomas the Tank Engine references were the best bits of film dialogue in 2022, right?

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.