10 Rip-Off Horror Movies (That Messed Up What They Copied)

7. Offerings

Child's Play Dolly Dearest

Michael Myers' unfeeling, William Shatner-ised face sits upon the Mount Rushmore of horror movie villains for good reason.

The killer from the legendary 1978 Halloween is the perfect slasher; cold, inhuman, relentless in his pursuits, and basically invincible. He set the mould for the genre and few characters have come close to replicating his success.

One such imitator that did not live up to the hype was John Bradley, the similarly hulking murderer from the 1989 film Offerings. Left disfigured and brain damaged by childhood abuse, Bradley wakes up from a long coma and decides to enact his revenge on the world.

Much like Myers, Bradley is a big, lumbering rock of a man with seemingly superhuman strength and a steely determination to complete his quest. Where he differs from Double M is that he isn't compelling to watch at all.

Bradley looks and feels like someone came to a Halloween party as Myers, except they only had five minutes to put the costume together. The entirety of Offerings is one big Halloween clone, except viewers had seen it all ten years earlier.

And don't even get us started on the score. It's practically identical!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.