10 Robots That Didn’t Get The Credit They Deserved

1. Bubo (Clash of the Titans)

url-13 Zeus tells hottie goddess Athena to give her owl Bubo to his son for a mission to save the princess. The goddess goes sneaky on him and has a mechanical replacement made and sent instead. Poor Robo-Bubo is not quite right and a little slow, but still has the birdie balls to get into the fight with the Kraken to save the princess. Real Bubo gained 10 pounds, lost his feathers, and ended up tasting like chicken. So that€™s it. These lesser known metal stars may not be the household names like R2D2 or the Terminator, but they still have a place in robot history. Let these unsung heroes out into the light, to be reflected off of and beamed into your eyes. Shine them with love. Who have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.
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J-Wo hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.