10 Rotten Tomatoes Scores For 2021 Movies NOBODY Saw Coming

2. Eternals (48%)

Eternals Cast
Marvel Studios

No movie franchise is impervious to critics, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has enjoyed a staggeringly impressive winning streak with the press, and with the recent success of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings the MCU scored its 25th critically Fresh film in a row.

It truly seemed like Kevin Feige had cracked the formula for consistently delivering solidly crowd-pleasing movies, and with recent Best Director Oscar winner ChloƩ Zhao hired to helm ensemble epic Eternals, it seemed like there was no way the streak wouldn't continue.

Despite Zhao's involvement and pre-release rumblings that Marvel had a Black Panther-tier awards player on their hands, Eternals shocked the world by becoming the MCU's first-ever Rotten movie, scoring a paltry 48%.

While mixed reviews is hardly an outright disaster for most movies, it was a truly bewildering outcome for a franchise which has so consistently received decent-to-great reviews from critics.

That a film as promising as Eternals ended up with worse reviews than, say, Thor: The Dark World (66%), was frankly mind-boggling.

While certainly disappointing for fans, it's also proof that the MCU is in no way infallible, and despite the property's incredibly impressive hit-rate to date, it's not beyond delivering a critical bust.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.