10 Rules For Surviving Action Movies

7. Be A Dog

Skyfall Villain

John Wick may have subverted the cliche, but look how that turned out for New York's criminal underworld.

If there's a dog in an action movie, and it either has a name or directly interacts with one of the main characters, then there's little chance that the dedicated canine is going to end up being put down, and more often than not they often show up in times of great need and end up getting their own slow-motion hero shot in the end, because Independence Day proved that it isn't just humans that run away from explosions without looking.

There's even a website, Does the Dog Die?, where animals lovers can check whether our four-legged friends survive to the end credits before settling on something to watch. When it comes to the action genre, the answer is more often than not a definite 'no', as we've seen in the previously-mentioned Independence Day, Back to the Future, Kick-Ass 2 and plenty more.

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