10 Rushed Movie Deaths That Had No Emotional Impact

6. Quicksilver - Avengers Age Of Ultron

Skyfall Severine
Marvel Studios

Another Avengers film! There's no attempt to backlash against the MCU's leading franchise, the films have had deaths that mean something (Iron Man and the initial death of Agent Coulson come to mind as successfully emotional killings) but the way in which Quicksilver dies is almost meaningless. In a franchise so built on collecting the moments from all across its universe, it's surprising that this was the first film we saw anything major of Quicksilver and his sister Scarlet Witch.

Their positioning as antagonists for the majority of the film takes away from their development as characters, and makes Whedon's work as a writer harder when he tries to make them heroes in the final third. The sudden switch means he needs to try and find a way to let audiences into the emotional complexity and personalities of villains, without coasting off of previous comic book experiences with them. While he manages to build Scarlet Witch throughout the film with her interactions with Iron Man, Quicksilver fails to get that same treatment meaning that he's only been developed for a few minutes before biting the dust.

It's clear that the moment was designed to mean something for Scarlet Witch as a pivotal development in her character, but the way its positioned in the film by Whedon is as the main dramatic moment asides from the death of Ultron, a way to show that the MCU does have consequences and heroes can die. But the fact is that the moment fell totally flat. It's a shame considering that the brother sister dynamic of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch could have been brilliant in future films.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.