10 Rushed Movie Deaths That Had No Emotional Impact

5. Jean Grey - Dark Phoenix

Skyfall Severine

It's Dark Phoenix, of course it failed to capture the emotional intensity and palpable heartbreak that the death of Jean Grey should have on audiences. It was a somewhat notorious disaster, not treated with care by the new distributor following the acquisition of FOX, having terrible looking visual effects and massive plot spoilers across all of the trailers, and was infamous for being the second attempt that this team of producers and writers had at the Dark Phoenix story.

Only instead of just being the writer and producer, the creative mind behind X Men The Last Stand's middling attempt at the narrative, Simon Kinberg, got in the director's chair for the first time and showed his inexperience profoundly.

It was not a good film. Not as bad as it maybe could have been, but it's an aesthetic and narrative mess. The development for this period of the X Men was virtually nonexistent outside of about three characters, despite the amount of movies that they'd been thrown in the background for. Kinberg's direction was flat, his action scenes obviously a collection of second unit scraps and hasty reshoots, and the writing was somehow weaker than last time. This excerpt could have been written about Mystique's pointless death, which lacked such impact that they just packaged it in the trailers, but it fails its main character profoundly.

Despite a decent performance from Sophie Turner, Jean isn't developed at all and the film is too built around a horrendous alien plot fronted by Jessica Chastain, rather than interrogating her psychological state or emotional connections. There is no chemistry or relationships she has in the movie that actually matter.

By the time she's dead, it doesn't even feel particularly important, the film even moves past it. An extreme shame.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.