10 Rushed Movie Deaths That Had No Emotional Impact

2. Gwen Stacy - The Amazing Spider Man 2

Skyfall Severine

What is there to say about The Amazing Spider Man 2? A cataclysmic disaster that destroyed the long term future of Sony exclusive Spider Man films. The awful villains, the terrible pacing, the washed out digital aesthetic that lacked any tangible personality, all glaring criticisms of the film. However, one of the most fundamental issues that the film suffers from is the lack of defining character it gives to Gwen Stacy, and its failings in making her death mean something.

It was inevitable that Stacy would meet her end at the finale of this sequel. The introduction of the new Green Goblin on top of rumours about the future of Emma Stone's career, all suggested that the infamous moment would be recaptured on celluloid for a new generation of superhero fans. However the moment was totally lacking, it had no impact or guttural effect whatsoever.

For starters, it seemed to come completely out of nowhere, no real dramatic crescendo, just throwing in the element because it happened in the comics but failing to write a justification for it in the film's text.

Webb's failings as a director on this scale ensure that the moment means nothing, with the camera moving in uninspired and surprisingly low-key ways for an ending that's supposed to be the peak of a 2+ hour film. It's a shame that none of the emotion nor the bombast felt right, especially considering the genuinely good work that Stone brought to the iconic role. Hopefully any future versions of Gwen Stacy in live action filmmaking will succeed in a way that this failed to.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.