10 Rushed Movie Deaths That Had No Emotional Impact

1. Han Solo - Star Wars The Force Awakens

Skyfall Severine

Okay, this one is hard to justify or articulate. Han Solo, for many people including this writer, was a defining character throughout childhood. He was the coolest, most charismatic and secretly lovable protagonist in the galaxy far away and brought constant entertainment and inspiration for millions of kids everywhere. Harrison Ford gave some of the best performances of the entire series, particularly in the climax of Empire Strikes Back, and used his work here to become one of the most famous movie stars of all time.

He gave an arguably career best performance in The Force Awakens, alongside Adam Driver who was also giving it every ounce of strength and talent he had. The way his voice breaks, how he pleads with his son Kylo Ren to find the light again, that second of faith that it's all going to be okay. It's breathtaking work from Ford, it should mean everything when he falls and we lose our Han forever. But it doesn't work as well as it should have. It has all the elements that should make it a constant source of tears for the rest of time, but it doesn't hurt in the way it needed to.

It gets one moment perfect, that look in his eyes when he knows for certain that his son cannot be saved by him, that this is the end of his life. A look of hurt, disappointment, heartbreak and love, before he falls into the black. Instead of lingering in the moment, it cuts away to shocked loud reactions, Abrams filming and editing it mechanically to feel like just another death. Then it moves on, with Han becoming just a piece of the puzzle, instead of the centre that should have defined it. I wish I could have cried over Han.

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An autistic writer who just wants to make some money and have some fun talking about wrestling, movies and whatever else comes to mind.