The Harry Potter film series began with The Philosophers Stone in 2001 and ended with The Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 2011. For ten years those films were regular box office moneymakers for Warner Bros., raking in over $7 billion at the global box office. For now, the executives at Warner Bros. are content with making a Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them trilogy. Give it a few years after that trilogy has ended, though, and theyre bound to consider pressing the big red reboot button on The Boy Who Lived's cinematic saga. They really shouldnt, though. This wouldnt just be one remake, but eight. While it might be fun to see The Philosophers Stone made in a less cheesy way, eight remakes in ten years is nobodys idea of fun. Audiences went on a journey with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint, but they might not be willing to hand over another $7 billion to see the same stories retold with different actors and updated special effects. By all means, Warner Bros. should continue making movies in the wizarding world. Theyd be silly not to. But please, guys, leave the original films alone.