10 Saddest Deaths In Star Wars

1. Anakin Skywalker

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Luke Skywalker Death

The reawakening of Anakin Skywalker in Return of the Jedi, followed by his passing, is Star Wars' saddest death, and is one of the most impactful and emotional scenes in the franchise. After finally accepting his love for his son, Anakin rejects the darkness that had dominated him for over two decades, and kills his Sith master, Sidious - giving his life for Luke's.

When Luke dragged his father's failing body to the ramp of an Imperial Shuttle, Anakin asks his son to remove his mask; once a sign of terror and fear, now a prison which held a great Jedi within. At last, the young Jedi can finally look into his father's eyes, seeing a kind-hearted, fulfilled soul.

Anakin's last words, "Tell your sister, you were right [about me]" truly shows the return of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker; a Jedi of love and compassion, saved by his son's undying love for him.

The scene is perfectly accompanied by a solemn and gentle rework of John Williams' Imperial March, showing that the Dark Lord, Vader, has finally been vanquished. Now, joined by his masters and friends on the forest moon of Endor as a Force Ghost, Anakin lovingly looks on at his children, bringing George Lucas' saga to a satisfying and emotional end.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.