10 Saddest Deaths In Star Wars

2. Luke Skywalker

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Luke Skywalker Death

Even though The Last Jedi proved immeasurably divisive amongst Star Wars fans, one aspect more and more fans seem to be coming around to is how well Luke's death is handled. Throughout the film, the disgruntled Jedi Master refuses to help with the war against the First Order, seeing himself as a curse on the galaxy for inadvertently creating Kylo Ren, who would go on to massacre countless innocents, including his own father.

Even so, after a visit from Yoda, Luke has a renewed sense of purpose and spirit, now understanding that his mistakes should not define him, and that the galaxy still desperately needs him. So, after saving the Resistance and hope for the galaxy, Luke finishes his Force Projection, with this itself being the most powerful use of the Force the saga has ever seen. Now, an exhausted but hopeful Luke Skywalker looks to the twin suns as he slowly fades away, becoming one with the Force.

This moment by far is the most emotional scene the Sequel Trilogy has to offer, and is easily one of the hardest deaths for the audience to swallow, which helps explain the immediate negative reaction some fans had to The Last Jedi. Obviously, no one likes to see their heroes perish, but luckily for Luke, his death is meaningful and dignified.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.