10 Saddest Deaths In Star Wars

4. ARC Trooper Fives

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Luke Skywalker Death

In the sixth season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, ARC Trooper, Fives, discovers the existence of the Inhibitor Chip in all Clone Troopers, after his friend and fellow member of the 501st Legion, Tup, prematurely executes Order 66.

Over the next few episodes, Fives goes on an adventure across the galaxy, searching for the true purpose of the chip, where he ultimately learns of the Sith plot to destroy the Jedi. Fives is eventually killed by Commander Fox on Coruscant on Palpatine's order, who himself saw the clone as a danger to the Sith Grand Plan. What makes Fives' death so moving is that he came so close to exposing and possibly preventing the evil chaos Palaptine would later unleash on the galaxy, yet no one believed him, writing him off as insane.

Beginning the first season of the show as a lowly member of Domino Squad, the viewer is shown a big chunk of the war through the squad's eyes, seeing Fives be promoted for his heroic actions and eventually becoming an ARC Trooper, one of the most elite positions within the Grand Army of the Republic. Now, with Fives dead, Domino Squad had been completely wiped out, barring Echo's later return in the seventh season of the show in 2020.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.