10 Saddest Horror Movie Moments

1. The Ending - Would You Rather

The Orphanage Tomas
IFC Midnight

Few films, even horror films, end on quite as bleak a note as the one that Would You Rather plays us out on. 

Our heroine, Iris, spends the entire film playing along to the game of the rich and sadistic Shepard, as he toys with the lives of her and several other equally desperate people. One by one, they all die horribly, until Shepard forces Iris to shoot the last one in the head herself. All in the name of the money that awaits her at the end - to be used for her terminally ill brother.

After the nightmare is over, Shepard - after forcing Iris to thank him for everything he's done - actually keeps his end of the bargain, ensuring that Iris and her brother will never have to worry about bills again. Iris heads home, has a very long shower...and then discovers her brother is dead. A light from the window illuminates pills next to his head, implying that he killed himself to set his sister free from the burden of caring for him. 

The film ends with Iris collapsing, screaming and crying, as it hits her that everything she did was for nothing. Now she has the guilt of all those people's deaths on her conscience, her brother is dead, and the men responsible have gotten away with all of it scot-free. 

Probably one of the most devastating endings in horror history. What else could top this list?

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?