10 Most Satisfying Movie Moments Of 2013

1. Ryan Returns To Earth - Gravity

Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity may only run 90 minutes in length, but it's one of the most gruelling, white-knuckle experiences of the year, grabbing the viewer by the throat and not letting go for the entire runtime. Sandra Bullock's character of Ryan Stone is put through the wringer as she tries to negotiate a way home after encountering extreme difficulties in space, eventually managing to speed towards earth in the Shenzhou capsule. However, she's not out of trouble yet, as she has to first cross her fingers that she doesn't burn up in the atmosphere, which she thankfully doesn't, landing in a lake. A happy ending, right? Nope. An electrical fire in the capsule causes Stone to evacuate immediately, opening the hatch door, which causes water to flood in, causing viewers to ponder the hilariously ironic question, "Is she really going to drown after all this?" Still, Stone manages to shed her space gear and swim to the the surface, at which point I still wasn't convinced she was going to make it: imagine if a shark just ate her and it cut to black. Still, she manages to clamber to terra firma, slowly getting to her feet and taking in the beautiful sight of planet Earth, as Steven Price's moving score plays us out, before we're greeted with the words "GRAVITY". Of all the characters this year who truly deserved to transcend their circumstances, Ryan Stone is right at the top of the pile. Did I miss any massively satisfying 2013 movie moments? Let me know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.