7. "We Are Cancelling The Apocalypse" - Pacific Rim
Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim was a $190 million cheese-fest, an extremely high-budget episode of Power Rangers mated with Godzilla. It is many a fanboy's cinematic dream, and it's impressive that a film seemingly this niche was able to get made at all. It was tailor made for fans of B-movie creature features, and as such included plenty of self-consciously corny dialogue, which the actors spat out with a varying level of credibility. Idris Elba gets the best of it though, in getting to shout the rallying speech for his men (and women), declaring, "And today, we are cancellin' the apocalypse!" The line sounds a bit awkward coming out of Elba's mouth, but that's really part of the fun. This is a film telling you to hang up your pretensions and just indulge yourself in some skilfully made, relatively self aware cinematic junk food. This brilliantly cheeseball moment got us hyped up for the impending battle between the Jaegers and the Kaiju, and if a sequel does in fact get made (though that's not likely at this stage), they'll have trouble finding a more outrageously ridiculous line.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.