10 Saw Characters Who Beat The Traps And Survived

1. Amanda Young - Saw

Saw VI Hoffman

The Reverse Bear Trap is the sequence that started it all. Initially debuting in the short film, Saw, it was then recreated during the feature-length 2004 film.

As Jigsaw survivor Amanda Young recounts her story, we then cut to a flashback where she is placed into a contraption. As the video inside the room explains, the machine has a 60-second timer that, once it runs out, will activate the device and forcibly open her jaw wide open. To survive, Amanda has to get the key from her dead cellmate.

Young moves forward, which activates the timer, beginning the countdown to her imminent death. She successfully frees herself from her chair, but before she can cut her cellmate, the man turns out only to be heavily sedated. Amanda, however, would choose life and stab the man repeatedly, opening his stomach to get the key to freedom. And with just enough seconds remaining, the woman opened the device just in time before it could have killed her, all as Billy the Puppet congratulates her on a job well done.

The scene then cuts back to the present, where Amanda tells the police how Jigsaw's actions helped her overcome her addiction.

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