10 Scariest Boogeymen In Films

3. The Entity (It Follows)

Candyman Tony Todd

It Follows centres around a simple premise of a curse, and absolutely nails it (special props to the soundtrack by Disasterpeace, which is an homage to classic 80s horror films and evokes a sense of dread throughout).

The unnamed monster that plagues this tale has two rules: firstly, it is sexually-transmitted. Cue the cast jumping in and out of bed with each other to pass on the monster’s attention like a deadly version of pass the parcel.

Secondly, once you’re the target, the monster will relentlessly pursue you until you are killed or can pass it on. The monster is human in appearance and can change shape to appear like any other person.

This instils a sense of paranoia in the victims, as they constantly scan the crowds looking for that one person making a beeline for them; slowly walking, never running, knowing you’ll tire eventually.

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Ben is an avid fan of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. He also loves video games but is alarmed at his steadily growing back log; he hopes to finish Red Dead Redemption 2 sometime around 2030.