10 Scariest Cursed Objects In Horror Movies

4. Car – Christine (1983)

Karen Gillan oculus
Columbia Pictures

The angry, murderous 1958 Plymouth Fury Christine never has her cursed origin story explained in the film. She is shown to kill two mechanics while being built, suggesting she was evil from her creation. The original Stephen King book, however, says she may be possessed by the ghosts of her previous owner Roland LeBay's family, as his daughter choked in her backseat and his wife committed suicide in the front seat.

Christine becomes unhealthily attached to her current owner, acting jealously of anyone who takes their attention away from her or tries to turn them against her. Her power has a reciprocal effect, making her owner - in the case of the story, Arnie Cunningham - utterly obsessed with her. It is also hinted at that Christine absorbs the souls of her victims, making her stronger with each kill.

In a poor state when Arne first buys her, he does some minor repairs which seem to kickstart her ability to regenerate. This adds a further layer to Christine's possession, showing that she cannot be destroyed, even appearing to 'grin' at the audience after being crushed into a cube as she presumably prepares to revive herself.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat