10 Scariest Cursed Objects In Horror Movies

3. Button – Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Karen Gillan oculus
Universal Pictures

The coat button in Drag Me to Hell is cursed by elderly gypsy woman Sylvia Ganush after bank loan officer Christine Brown refuses to help her when her house is about to be repossessed. Despite pleading to Christine, she publicly humiliates Ganush by getting her escorted from the bank by security guards - all while the old lady vows to exact revenge for the shame she has brought on her.

Later Christine is attacked by Ganush in her car on the way home, and the gypsy woman grabs the button off her coat and tells her she has placed a curse on it. The button causes Christine to hallucinate and she is tormented by the demon Lamia. Christine finds out that as long as she is the owner of the button she will be pulled into Hell by Lamia after three days. This means that she cannot just get rid of it; she needs to officially give it to someone else as a gift in order to avoid the curse.

After finding out that Ganush has died, Christine hatches a clever plan to dig her body up and present her with the button, but this goes horribly wrong when she finds out she picked up the wrong item - the very much not-cursed coin belonging to her boyfriend - and the button is still hers. This realisation happening just before she is dragged into a fiery pit in the train tracks.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat