10 Scariest Disney Movie Moments

2. The Displeasure Of Pleasure Island - Pinocchio (1940)

There are a number of frightening moments from Pinocchio€”when the angry sperm whale Monstro hunts Pinocchio and Geppetto down in the thrilling finale, or when the Coachmen (who lures kids to Pleasure Island) tells the fox, €œThey never come back as...BOYS!€ as his face turns bright pink, his eyes go green and wide and he makes that toothy grin. But scariest of all is what really happens on Pleasure Island, a seemingly fun place for kids to do everything their parents won€™t let them. The good parts include playing pool, drinking beer, smoking cigars, and probably staying up past their bedtime too. The bad part: they get turned into donkeys and forced into slavery. The transformation of Pinocchio€™s friend Lampwick into a jittering jackass looks as painful and distressing as becoming the Wolfman; hands become hooves, a tail sprouts from his rear, and his cries become distressed brays. As if that's not bad enough, Pinocchio himself begins undergoing the transformation, but Jiminy Cricket gets him out of there before it's too late. It€™s as weird, shocking, and gut-wrenching as any scene you will ever see in an animated feature.

A film buff with lots to say about movies, both good and bad and even the ones that fall somewhere in between.