10 Scariest Horror Movie Mirror Scenes
5. Freddy's Final Scare - A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010)

2010's A Nightmare on Elm Street remake may be a pretty lousy movie for the most part, but it has two things going for it - Jackie Earle Haley's solid performance as Freddy Krueger, and a brilliantly gnarly ending involving a mirror.
If Wes Craven's 1984 original has any one flaw, it's surely the laughable sequel-baiting ending, in which a ridiculous-looking blow-up doll was used to double for Nancy's (Heather Langenkamp) mother Marge (Ronee Blakley) when she's pulled through a window by Freddy (Robert Englund).
But this is the single aspect of the film the remake actually improves, ending instead with Nancy's (Rooney Mara) mother Gwen (Connie Britton) being stabbed through a mirror by Freddy, who then drags her corpse back into the mirror before it magically repairs itself. The End.
Despite the film's many missteps, it's a genuinely unsettling visual and far less silly-looking than how the '84 original wrapped up, even with the slightly iffy CGI gore.