10 Scariest Horror Movie Scenes Of All Time

6. Misery - Annie Breaks Paul's Legs

Misery Annie
Columbia Pictures

Annie Wilkes has gone down in history as one of the scariest horror movie villains of all time – and this scene proves why.

Based on Steven King's novel Misery, the film with the same name is slow-burn torture as the audience is constantly on edge that something is going to happen, but it never does.

Annie Wilkes is a psychotic fan of author Paul Sheldon, who she has kidnapped and holds captive until he changes the ending of his new book so her favourite character, Misery, isn't dead.

After Annie finds out that Paul has been sneaking out of his room and trying to poison her food, she decides to hobble Paul's legs to stop him from escaping.

The onscreen horror of a seemingly lovely lady who does something so cruel and heartless was enough to terrify audiences or have them scream out in sympathy for the brutalised novelist.

What makes this scene more terrifying is that Annie does this terrible deed with a blank, emotionless face as Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata plays in the background.

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Horror Misery
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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.