10 Scariest Horror Movie Scenes Of All Time

5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Leatherface Appears

Misery Annie

Leatherface's first appearance is nothing less than terrifying.

The simple premise starts as this: a group of friends end up at a house to see if anyone living there has spare gas for their van.

As one of the friends, Kirk, enters the unlocked door, Leatherface appears in the doorway, wearing his mask made of human skin, and hits Kirk across his chest with a sledgehammer. Kirk is hit a second time with Leatherface's sledgehammer, ultimately killing him.

There is no jump scare, no musical fanfare when Leatherface appears, just the sound of his sledgehammer hitting his innocent victim and Kirk's body hitting the floor.

Unfortunately for Pam, she didn't get as fast of a death as Kirk got. After following Kirk to see where he went, Leatherface captures her and impales her on a meat hook, forcing Pam to watch as Leatherface dismembers Kirk with a chainsaw.

To add more salt to the wound, the film is loosely based on a 'true story' - that of Ed Gein - that is bound to give anyone nightmares for days to come.

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Horror Misery
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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.