10 Scariest Horror Movie Twins

7. Todd And Terry Simmons - Blood Rage (1987)

The Shining
Film Limited

Blood Rage is a classic ‘good’ versus ‘evil’ twin story, with young angelic-looking Terry brutally killing a man with an axe and then, without missing a beat, blaming his innocent brother Todd who is too stunned by what he has seen to object.

Terry’s hatred of Todd is never fully explained, leading us to assume that it is not so much the case that he dislikes his twin, more that he has no feelings for him at all, seeing him as a convenient scapegoat. He has no remorse for his actions sending his brother to an insane asylum.

Todd’s escape from the institution is only motivated by trying to clear his name and to stop his twin committing more attacks. Terry, on the other hand, has managed to avoid killing anyone for ten years, so sees his ‘psychotic’ twin’s escape as the perfect alibi for him to give in to his urges and go on a murderous rampage.

Terry is such a manipulative psychopath that his mother is absolutely convinced that he is the good twin, to the point that she heartbreakingly takes her own life when she thinks she has accidentally killed her virtuous son at the climax of the final battle.

In this post: 
The Shining
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Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat