10 Scariest Moments In MCU History

9. Marvel Zombies - What If...?

Spider-Man Far From Home Iron Man Zombie

There were plenty of different universes and realities visited throughout the first season of What If…?, and thanks to the popularity of the story in the comics, it was always likely that a Marvel Zombies universe was going to be incredibly well received in the MCU.

This was certainly the case, as the remaining handful of pieced together heroes came together to survive the apocalypse. It may seem a strange choice to put the whole episode as this entry on the list, but the entire thing deserves to be on here, it was just that creepy.

Opening with Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, and Wong’s attack on the Black Order, the silhouette of the fight didn’t really delve into the depths of the zombie apocalypse until it was too late. The reveal of Tony’s dead face was horrifying, but throughout the rest of the episode things just got worse.

Hawkeye and Falcon’s emergence from the shadows, the hoard of zombies attacking Peter on the subway track, the giant zombie Wasp, the revelation that Vision was feeding T’Challa to Wanda, and of course Thanos, all added up to a terrifying episode, and ultimately led to the greenlight of an entire future series based in this universe.

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Iron Man MCU
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.