10 Scariest Movie Moments (From Non Horror Films)

6. Bob Appears (Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me)

While he might not be the most obvious choice of terrifying David Lynch created baddies, Killer Bob from Twin Peaks and its movie prequel, Fire Walk With Me, is one of the creepiest characters to ever grace the big screen. Notably absent from the film adaptation for a while, Bob reappears in the scariest and most suspenseful scene of the movie, as he lurks around Laura Palmer's home before delivering the killing blow that would set the entire TV show into motion. It's a great scene because of how underused Bob had been until this point. Fans of the TV show know he has to appear at some point, and when he does, grinning and silent, stalking in the background behind an unaware Palmer, it makes for a sequence that you can't help but watch through the cracks in your fingers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAGh_Fl4cMw

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3