10 Scariest Movies Made By Disney

8. The Great Mouse Detective (1986)

Headless Horseman

The set up for The Great Mouse Detective is brilliant. It starts in foggy London where a young girl named Olivia and her father are celebrating her birthday. The celebrations turn ugly when a mysterious figure tries to break in to their home. As Olivia is whisked into the cupboard for safety, a hideous bat breaks through window and attacks her father before kidnapping him. It’s thrilling, chilling and sets up the story nicely.

The movie has a natural way of building suspense and intensity within the plot. As Basil and Dawson search for more clues in order to find Olivia’s father, there is always a sense of uncertainty as to what is about to happen next.

One example is when the detectives are searching the toy shop and all the dolls seem to stare at the detectives with an eeriness to them. The toys then mysteriously start playing by themselves, implying they are not alone. As Olivia explores a baby cot, Fidget (the bat) frightfully appears out of it and captures her.

Of course, the film would be nothing without its main villain, Professor Ratigan. Voiced perfectly by Vincent Price, Ratigan is just as horrifying as he is theatrical. The final climax sees him in a violent ‘rat and mouse’ chase with Basil inside the Big Ben. After the two violently fight each other, the professor falls to his horrid death, whilst Basil just barely survives the battle.

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Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid