10 Scariest Movies You Can Watch FOR FREE On YouTube Right Now
These are the horror movies you can watch for free with the press of a button.

With the world being what it is in 2020, going to the cinema isn't an option for large swaths of the global population, and so streaming has enjoyed an enormous uptick in worldwide traffic.
There are countless streaming platforms to choose from, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and the horror-specific Shudder, all of which of course require their own subscription fee.
But there are a number of free alternative streaming options, which while perhaps not touting the very newest releases, will nevertheless allow you to hunker down with some great horror flicks.
And there's perhaps no more democratic a video repository than YouTube, which in addition to offering its own paid movie rental service, allows distributors, rights holders, and even fans (distributor tolerance depending) to share movies on their own channels for free.
And so, scouring YouTube's platter of available horror flicks, these are unquestionably the 10 scariest you can dare subject yourself to, from pulse-racing found footage films to the undisputed, classic kings of the genre.
If you're stuck for something to watch and are in the mood to have the living bajesus scared out of you, you shouldn't give these movies a miss...
10. Grave Encounters

As much as the found footage genre might seem thoroughly played-out, it does nevertheless periodically serve as a fertile medium for low-budget filmmakers to express their scrappy creativity.
One such example is 2011's Grave Encounters, in which a reality TV crew lock themselves inside a haunted psychiatric hospital, which goes about as swimmingly as you'd expect.
If you can forgive a few dodgy CGI moments, this is one of the leaner and more effective found footage joints out there, taking a familiar formula and elevating it with slow-building suspense and an utterly nerve-jangling, dread-soaked payoff.
Making the most of its eerie central location and offering up a few unexpected twists, Grave Encounters is so much scarier than its daft title might have you believe.
The less said about the critically mauled sequel, though, the better.