10 Scariest Movies You Can Watch FOR FREE On YouTube Right Now

4. Noroi: The Curse

The Taking of Deborah Logan
PMP Entertainment

Years before found footage became the rage in Hollywood, Japanese filmmaker Kōji Shiraishi delivered this terrifically unsettling effort back in 2005.

Noroi: The Curse is a mockumentary which tracks the disappearance of filmmaker Masafumi Kobayashi (Jin Muraki) while shooting his new documentary film The Curse.

The bulk of the film unfolds in shockingly authentic faux-doc style, with interviews and cutaway segments which feel 100% realistic thanks to the production values and strong ensemble cast.

If the near-two-hour runtime might seem intimidating for found footage, Noroi earns its length through its fascinating slow-burn, drip-feeding increasingly disturbing information and scares ahead of a simply unforgettable climax.

Its more methodical unease ensures it remains a card-carrying cult classic, and if you're prepared to turn your phone off and settle into this grim world for 115 minutes, plentiful scares are awaiting.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.