10 Scariest PG Rated Movies EVER MADE

9. The Witches

It's Alive
Warner Bros.

Directed by Don't Look Now helmer Nicholas Roeg, 1990's The Witches...

You know, the phrase "directed by Don't Look Now helmer" is all the censorship board needed to know for this one.

Yes, Roeg's film is technically adapted from the work of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory author Roald Dahl.

But the flick is about as as kid friendly as that earlier Donald Sutherland starring chiller, with the terrifying and undeniably impressive make up effects of the titular villains scarring an entire generation of kids who already found Anjelica Huston intimidating pre-transformation.

And that's not to mention the ending, wherein our hero is turned into a mouse and told to be thankful he at least made it out with his life.

You know, fun for the little ones.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.