10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

8. A Ghostly Piggyback Ride - Shutter 2004

Host finale
Phenomena Motion Pictures

Shutter, a Thai supernatural horror film follows a young couple as they are haunted by the spirit of a young girl.

After running over the girl late one night, Jane and Tun start to see a strange figure in the background of their photos and Tun has to visit the doctor because of the severe neck and back pain he's experienced since the crash. While there, Tun is horrified to find out that he mysteriously weighs double the weight he should.

Because of the haunted photographs, Jane is led to a bookshelf where she finds hidden photos of the dead girl being raped by Tun's friends year ago while he took photos. We find out Tun had dated the girl at college and that after this event she had killed herself, haunting Tun and his friends ever since.

Jane obviously leaves Tun, distraught by the revelation. Driven to the brink of insanity, Tun hectically takes photos all over his house, trying to capture the girl. But it isn't until he drops the camera, accidentally taking a photo of himself in the process, does she reveal herself. In the photo, sitting atop of his shoulders is the girl's spirit.

Suddenly it all makes sense, the extra weight, the pain in his shoulders.

The weight of his guilt quite literally got to him.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.